Ruby not on Rails

August rutter bowman
1 min readNov 22, 2021

For my project I decided to make a to-do list. The goal was to build a working React frontend and a Ruby API backend. I struggled with the ruby aspects especially one to many. It was difficult to decide what to work on first. I found myself skipping between the two and not getting much done.

My first mistake was not drawing out a React frontend properly. I didn’t have any plans for where State would live. I kept changing it on impulse and eventually my frontend was a convoluted mess. But this project wasn’t on the frontend it was on the backend. So I started my Ruby side. Not having a well structured frontend severely effected the backend development. Half of my routes didn’t work.

The next issue I ran into was with GitHub. I had pushed my project but nothing was showing up in either branch. I searched everywhere for a solution but couldn’t find anything. The problem was that when you create a new frontend/backend temporary git files are generated. These git files cause some odd problems. The solution was to remove the files and delete the cache.

